I'm excited, yet scared. Excited because I'm going to learn some new things and I'll be updating my skills and knowledge, and scared because with a mortgage to pay, I have to find a job (NOW) that will allow me to work AND go to my classes.
Do any companies out there send their employee's to classes anymore? And/or, do employee's have to pay for udating their own education? I guess it all depends on the company, the supervisor and the job.
To me, it seems like there are some companies out there that don't value education. It's like, they're not going to hire someone who is taking classes during working hours/days. And, that's partly because they don't want to pay someone what they're worth. Even though they want someone with all the skills and knowledge in the world they are only willing to pay low wages. They just want to get by with an employee who has barely the real experience that they would like an employee to have. Do you now what I mean?
As a current job seeker, I've seen tons of job advertisements that want it all, but don't want to pay the wages deserved (for someone who has the skills and knowledge). It's like, they want you to have the most awesome Adobe CS skills, PowerPoint skills along with some Administrative skills and you'll have to do this and that, etc., and you need to have a Bachelor's degree but they're only paying that?...Hahaha, that's funny!!
Then, there are those companies who will work with you and let you attend classes AND pay you what you're worth. That's what I want to find, a company who will work with me while I'm working towards updating my education. In the long run, it will not only help me out, but it's good for the company that I end up working for. I've seen some job ads with great pay for the job posted (of course, you do have to have the skills and knowledge for the job).
Currently, I have two Associate degrees and if everything goes as planned, I will have three Associate degrees. My third degree will be a Web Design Associate of Applied Science degree. Since I have most of the class requirements (from when I received my Computerized Graphic Design degree), all I need are about 5/6 classes. In that case, if all goes well and there are no interruptions such as classes canceled due to low enrollement, etc., I should hopefully graduate in the year 2012.
The classes I will be taking in the spring 2010 semester are Introduction to Digital Design and Introduction to Multimedia Design. I can't wait to start and especially to buy books and whatever other supplies I need.
One of the instuctors I've had before in the past and the other instructor will be new to me.
The only thing I'm not happy about is that out of the five classes I have to take, only one class is either in the evenings or on Saturdays (so, of course I'm taking the evening class). All the rest of the classes are sometime in the morning hours. I've always attended my classes during evening hours and now (at least this coming semester) I'm going to have one class that I'll have to attend during morning hours. They don't even have online or hybrid classes (which would help alot).
Hopefully, I'll be able to update my software. As a student, I will be able to buy the latest software at really low prices at school. I really need to update my MS Office Suite and of course, my Adobe CS Suite. What I have now (MS Office XP and Adobe CS2) still works for me, but it will be great to be updated.
Now, all I need is employment. If there is a company out there that is a great company I can grow with and needs a great worker with great attendance, an employee who is always on time, a fast learner, etc., let me know and HIRE ME TODAY!!
I have a lot of great graphic design, marketing and administrative skills and knowledge. It's not like I'm new to the working world.
You can view my online portfolio at www.coroflot.com/egallegos
Also, join me on LinkedIn: Elvira