Friday, September 18, 2009

Interview's Next Week.....

I'm so tired of being unemployed looking for a job. In a way, it's nice to be home, but since I don't have any extra cash to spend, I can't go out and do anything. I mean, it's not like I'd go out and spend like crazy. I'm talking about going out every once in a while for lunch somewhere reasonably priced or anything else to get out of the house.

What I basically do everyday is I'm on my PC job hunting on CareerBuilder, Craigslist, Creative Hotlist, and other job sites. I'm on my LinkedIn account, etc. I should say, I'm stuck to my pc...LOL.

One thing though, I sure am looking forward to next week, the week of September 21. I have a meeting with an office products company on Tuesday, September 22 for a possible freelance graphic design project and, an interview on Wednesday September 23 with an actual company for a permanent, full-time job.


The freelance design job consists of cover sheets that will go on top of the product, then the product will be shrink wrapped or put into a pouch. The cover sheet, besides the company logo and line art, will state the name of the product, a discription, an item number and a bar code.

Also, I think they will have a couple other projects too such as an e-mail letter. I'm thinking he's meaning an e-
mail blast and I can't recall what the other thing is (if there is one). If I accept this project and he accepts my quote(s), I'll have a few extra dollars which, of course, will go to pay utilities, groceries, etc.


The permanent job is for a Senior Administrative Assistant position. The cool thing about this job is that they also want this person to have some Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign knowledge. So, I'll at least get to be a bit creative (if I'm the one to get the position). I'm so excited, I can't wait till next week!

The drive to this job, for now, would be about an hour away. The good thing is, they're moving closer to my way. That's supposed to happen sometime before this year is up. In that case, the drive may be some 40 mins (give or take) and that's not too bad. They say an average commute is 30 to 45 minutes.

What would be really nice is to be able to work from home. Maybe one day if and when I get VISUAL XPLOSION, my graphic design business going. Dreams do come true, huh?...LOL.


Also, I received an e-mail from another company (who had e-mailed me a couple of weeks ago) regarding a
position that consists of Marketing, Administrative and Graphic Design.

The only thing is that the drive to this job would be an hour each way. During the winter, on snowy days and even on stormy, rainy days, you can bet it will take an extra 45 minutes or more each way. I don't know if I could really handle that after a while. I wouldn't mind if I could take the train and the ride was an hour. I've taken the train to downtown Chicago and depending on the time of day and how many stops the train has to make, it can take up to an hour each way.


Weekends are no fun! Now, I just have to get through this weekend (and every weekend for that matter). I really despise weekends and holidays because HR is, of course, not working. Not many new jobs get posted.

So, I sit at home on weekends, on my PC reading news headlines and articles that interest me, chatting on chat sites and/or IMing. What I SHOULD be doing is designing some new mock pieces for my portfolio such as brochures, ads, post cards, newsletters, etc. And, I SHOULD be reading up on and learning more about HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Web Design, and more! I really need to get on it NOW!! Time is just passing me by.

Oh yeah, another thing I need to really get going on this weekend is to type out some questions for both the freelance project and the interview. Well, I do have tonight (Friday) and the next three days to work on that. I surely don't want to end up doing it at the last minute...LOL

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