Thursday, February 5, 2009

Do They Really Read Through Resume's?

It is now the month of February, the fifth day to be exact. So far, this year I've had two phone interview's and one actual interview. I always wonder "Do recruiters and employer's really read through a person's resume? It sure doesn't seem like they do.

Currently, I'm seeking a Graphic Design, Markting Assistant or Administrative Assistant position. Or, a combination of Graphic Design/Marketing Assistant (which I did at my last two positions, although, my title was Marketing Assistant). Or, since I have an administrative background, I'll take an Administrative/Executive Assistant position. Anyways...


My first phone interview was through a recuriter. The job she had was for a Graphic Designer, but the client also needed the person to have web design experience with Dreamweaver and Flash. Even though, I do have, on my resume, that I did a bit of web maintenance for a couple of my past postions, I do have a Work Skills section and NEITHER of those programs is listed in my work skills area...LOL The only software program listed on my resume for web design is Microsoft FrontPage. If I should ever gain some Dreamweaver and Flash skills, they will be added to my resume.

My second interview was with a company located in downtown Chicago. The job sounded really great except, the owner of the company wanted someown who could really write. I told him "How much writing is involved? I'm not really a writer but, I can do all the other things." He said that at least 85% of the job was writing. My resume does not say anything about me writing this or that. I mean, yeah, I write here and there and sometimes have to come up with copy for ads. But, what he was looking for was a "writer".

My actual face-to-face interview was just this week. It's a Marketing Coordinator/Graphic Design position. In a way, it's similar to my last two positons, but it does involve a bit more on the web side. For this position, there are second interview's to go through. If I get called back for a second interview, WOOO HOOO! The only thing I'm scared about is the competency test...LOL I hate test's!...LOL


Well, it is practically the beginning of the year. I have applied at quite a few places all through Career Builder, Monster, Craig's List, etc. Besides that, I'm trying to get some freelance graphic design projects. So far, I've gotten none this year. Looking for a permanent, full-time job almost leave me no time for much. And, I'm trying to get myself to learn some Dreamweaver AND I'm going through my Photoshop and Illustrator Classroom In A Book to practice.

Well, at least I got some calls and I got to speak with someone regarding their postions. So, I am greatful for that. I just hope more calls and actual interview's are not too far away.

1 comment:

  1. chooses 3 sites for job seekers to get real results - (networking for professionals) (aggregated listings) (matches you to the perfect job)

    There is a perfect job out there for everone!
