Half the year is OVER and the holidays are just around the corner...LOL Can you believe it? Where did the first half of the year go? Man, I need to get the snowblower fixed...LOL
I was thinking, have you thought about your Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Eve party invites as well as your Christmas cards and any other parties and gatherings you'll have going on the second half of this year? Most likely not. Well, if you haven't, it's time to RESERVE YOUR DATES before someone else takes them.
I know e-mail and e-vites are a whole lot easier and faster, but receiving an actual card and/or invitation through snail mail makes it so much more special. Really! It does.
Also, I think lots of people save their cards and invitations and end up finding them years later and remember the good time they had at your party. So why not get going, get those cards designed, printed and ready to drop into the mailbox two to two and a half weeks before your gathering.
You don't have to have an actual date, etc., printed on your invitations just yet. Get all the other wording printed on the cards but, leave blank spaces and by hand, write in the date, time, location and phone number in their appropriate spaces when the time comes. Just an idea. What do you think?
Contact me and I'll assist you with creating and designing your 2010 greeting cards, fliers, post cards, promotional kits, etc. I'll also assist you with finding a printer to print your item(s).
Happy Halloween, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and everything else inbetween...LOL
I look forward to working with you this year and in the coming years.

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Visual Xplosion.....Creating Design Solutions for Your Industry